Join the Endurance Travel Community!

Join the Endurance Travel Community to stay updated on all the latest events and to keep sharing your passion for endurance and travel with us.

The Endurance Travel Community on Facebook is a special group where people who love traveling and doing tough sports come together. It’s like a club for people who enjoy really long races and exploring new places.

A World United by Passion
Support That Goes the Extra Mile
Learning from the Best
Shared Experiences, Shared Journeys

Last month, on April 21st, our Endurance Travel Community had a fantastic meetup! Coach Vanessa led the session, and it was a great chance for everyone to learn new tips, meet fellow adventurers, and share their love for travel and endurance sports.

During the meetup, Coach Vanessa shared lots of useful advice on how to prepare for races and make traveling easier and more fun. Everyone who came had a great time talking about their adventures and planning new ones. It was a perfect day for making new friends who love pushing their limits just as much as you do.

And guess what? There are more meetups like this planned for the future! These training sessions are not only about getting ready for races; they’re also about having fun together, learning from each other, and getting inspired by stories from around the world.

So, if you missed the last meetup, don’t worry—there are more opportunities coming up to join in the fun. Keep an eye out for the next dates, and get ready to be part of these exciting sessions. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned athlete, there’s something for everyone in our community.

We can’t wait to see you at the next meetup! Join the Endurance Travel Community to stay updated on all the latest events and to keep sharing your passion for endurance and travel with us.

Keep up to date with the next experience packages we are creating!

Upcoming Endurance Travel Events